Friday, October 4, 2013

C4K Summary (September)

This month I had the pleasure of commenting on three very different students blogs.

The first student I got to critique was Rose. Rose is a passionate 10th grader. In her post she discussed abortion. She believed that people shouldn’t have abortion unless it was a necessity. This is a very difficult topic to write about and discuss because there are so many differing opinions.

My comment discussed that she did a very good job with expressing her point, and gave powerful examples that supported her claim. I gave her a few other complements as well. I did notice some grammatical errors. I gave an example on how to fix it, and then told her to talk to her teacher about it. I also noted that she had digressed a little in her final paragraph, and to always be wary of her audience. In the end, I told her she had done a great job and to keep up the good work.

The next was a young boy in fifth grade named Daniel. Daniel wrote about how he beat a Pokemon Dungeon video game over the summer. He seemed to be very excited and proud about beating it.

Unlike Rose, I did not really critique Daniel’s writing. Since he is in fifth grade, I focused much more on discussing positive things that connected us. I discussed that I loved Pokemon, and that it must have been very difficult to beat. I also expressed that he had done a good job describing the event, and that his writing was very good. I haven’t received a reply yet, but I hope that it encouraged him.

My final C4K was for another fifth grade student named Maurice. Maurice lives in New Zealand, and he has a very different learning experience than those of us in the United States. His blog consisted more pictures than words, but his most recent post expressed that he had been learning math.

I told him that I was going to be a math teacher, and that I was very glad that he was learning math. Unfortunately, I didn’t have much more to write about. So, I concluded that he was doing a very good job.

I really enjoy commenting on younger students blogs. Though it may not be directly beneficial, I’m certain the connections that we make are very important to the students. I can’t wait for next month. connecting

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy commenting on the kids blogs also. You had some very interesting subjects to comment on. You sound really professional.
