Friday, October 11, 2013

PLN Summary

Although we are creating a specific PLN in this class, I have always been networking to an extent. Whether it be through facebook, twitter, or the original meet and greet, my network is always growing. I recently went to the SGA meeting for student organizations. We actually had a learning seminar on how to network and it was very intriguing.

As far a specific learning network, I don’t have a method set up to keep track of everyone. And I haven’t added to many people to the conversation list yet. But, thanks to C4C I have been able to learn a bit about some of the other students in our class, and through C4T I have gained a few connections to teachers. I already knew many current teachers and administrators, and I suppose they are in my PLN as well.

I personally like being connected. In my opinion, everyone I know is helping me learn in some way, and the people that are helping me at any instant change as time progresses. So, my PLN is progressing the exact way that I hoped it would.

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